Update: 11/21: Welcome, Blueberry

Normally this blog brings you tips about bikepacking, recommendations for gear, and stories about my misadventures on the trail. But today, we’re going to do things a little differently and update you on some of the latest and greatest that’s going on at Pedaling4Pups!
And, I know you’ve all been eagerly awaiting the surprise I teased in the last post. So, let’s not leave you hanging any longer, and finally show you something that we’ve been missing on the blog for quite some time….
Well, one dog. But, she’s a really good one. Meet the newest addition to the Pedaling4Pups team, Blueberry! (or, her full name: Blueberry Muffintop Tacitus Kilgore Fontanella).
We adopted Blueberry about 2 months ago from the MSPCA in Boston. While we walked in with the intention of adopting an older pup, it was hard to say no to Blue when she immediately crawled into my lap after meeting me and Hannah.
Blue is a lab mix who just hit her 4-month birthday. She’s about 30 lbs, but don’t let that fool ya; she’s got a lot of growing to do. She loves to eat carrots, sticks, rocks, well, pretty much anything that fits in her mouth. And, she is very fond of people. We can’t even walk down the street without her trying to say hi to everyone we pass.
Blue’s favorite hobbies are… no I am totally kidding. But, Blue is important to the Pedaling4Pups team because we now have an official mascot for our brand. After all, kinda weird to have a dog blog when you don’t own a dog.
And, now I can stop hanging out at parks and forcibly making friends with pet owners when I am really just there for their pet. I always thought it was weird when they made me give their dogs back “because they wanted to leave” or something. Rude.
Oh, and I did a thing.
While I don’t normally share life updates, this is one that Big Dogs (that’s you) have to hear about.
I got engaged! I was lucky enough that Hannah said yes and now she is “officially” Blue’s mom and a member of the Pedaling4Pups family.
That’s all I got this week. I’ll try to be back after Thanksgiving with more of your regular scheduled programming. Be on the lookout for some trail reviews, gear recommendations, and a new section of our website where I round up your adventure stories and share them on our blog.